Thursday, January 30, 2020

How to Make Momos at Home: Veg & Non-Veg Recipes to Try

The technique used by most Tibetans to shape momos requires a bit of technical skill to make sure it’s done correctly. Momos are usually served with a spicy tomato sauce. If you’d like to enjoy your momos the traditional way, wash and/or peel your fresh ingredients. Heat a tablespoon of oil in a large pan over medium heat.Add your chopped garlic to the pan and sauté for 2-3 seconds.

Add the white part of the spring onion and saute on high flame for about 2 minutes. Place 1-2 tsp of stuffing the center of the balls and lift 1 side of the edge to start pleating. Take each of the balls on a dusted board and roll them in a thin circle.

Mistakes To Avoid While Making Steamed Momos

You can also sprinkle water then cover and cook veggies on medium to low flame. Next lift one side of the edge and start pleating the momos finally join all the pleats in the centre just like modok. You can also sprinkle 3 tablespoon of water then cover and cook veggies for 5 min on medium to low flame. Finally cover the dough with a moist towel and rest the dough for 30 minutes. To cook momos at home follow the bellow tips and tricks and step-by-step instructions.

how to make vegetable momos at home

So your instant homemade momo steamer is ready. Fill your pan or deep fryer with a generous amount of oil, and allow it to get hot. Check to see if the oil is hot enough by dropping a piece of dough into the oil. If it bubbles, you can now add your momos to the oil to cook.Allow the momos to fry for a few minutes on each side.

Pan Fried Momo

Then add the chopped onions and sauté for seconds. To create the dough for your momos, start by pouring your flour into a large bowl, and then adding salt and oil. Take out the amount of flour you’ll need to make your momos. A white wheat flour, instead of whole wheat flour, is typically used to make momos. The amount of flour you’ll need will depend on how many guests you’ll be serving.

Work your way around the entire circle of dough, gathering and pinching the folds together until you’re back where you started. Pinch together the folds to close the hole at the top of the momo. Place all the sauce ingredients in a blender until they are smooth. It should turn into the consistency of a paste.

Viral Alert- Food news that ruled the internet this week (Dec 5-Dec11 )

Place the cabbage stuffing in the centre and bring the edges together. Take e a small ball from the dough and roll the ball into a thin circle. Add water little by little and knead a soft dough. You can serve them either with hoisin sauce or siracha sauce or with schezwan sauce.

how to make vegetable momos at home

You can pan fry or deep fry them, or boil and serve them in a soup called mothuk. When your dough is formed, place it in a clean bowl or container and cover with a damp cloth or lid. This is an important step that will keep your dough moist and allow the flour time to absorb the water. Our momo dough recipe is simply a mix of all-purpose flour and water. You’ll knead it until it’s quite flexible—this can take about five minutes after the dough comes together.


Lightly oil the steamer between each round of momos and be sure leave a little space between momos in the steamer because they will expand as they cook. Let the water start boiling before you put in the momos to steam, then set a timer. Steaming will take about 10–12 minutes—as long as the dough is cooked through, you can consider the veggies momos done; this filling doesn’t need much cooking time. One of the wonderful things about momos is that there’s such a huge variety of ways to fill, shape, and cook them.

(again it’s a personal choice here) so cook accordingly. You will find many variations of momos served in Indo-Chinese restaurants served as a starter/appetizer. As these momos are lightly spiced they are hit with kids when served with ketchup. Once the momos get a transparent look you can garnish them with spring onion greens. Place the momos in the greaser steamer pan without letting them stick to each other.

Place your dough onto a surface lightly dusted with flour. Use a rolling pin to roll it out very thinly. Don’t roll it so thin that you can see through it or that it tears apart very easily. Then use a clean glass that’s about the width of your palm to cut circles out of the dough. Taste the filling to see if it’s seasoned to your liking.

how to make vegetable momos at home

If you do not have the system, then boil water in a large vessel, keep the sieve from the metal over it, cover it with a large plate above. Apply water with the help of a finger on the edge of the cut shape. Then take a little filling in it and add the edges together.

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